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Original Safari Beef Jerky 100g

$14.00 In Stock

If you're the type of person who only eats biltong, try our original safari jerky. No, it is not biltong, but it has a fantastic flavour thanks to hidden spices and extra coriander. Every bite of this actually tastes like an African safari.

It's a perfect snack or addition to any gathering because it's made with premium, 100% grass-fed Australian beef.

Since all of our jerkies are 97% fat-free, they make a great snack option.

Ingredients: Australian Grass Fed Lean Beef, Fish Sauce, Sugar, Salt, Herbs, Spices, Wheat Cereal, Dehydrated Vegetables, Lime Juice, Mineral Salt (330), Flavour Enhancer (635), Rice Bran Oil

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