Looking for a natural way to mananage symptons of menopause?
A hot flush, for some, can feel like a volcano erupting from the stomach area, spreading down to the knees and up to the neck. For others, it feels like the central heating system has been turned up to full. For some women these symptoms of excessive heat are accompanied with anxiety, panic, low moods and irritability.
Night sweats in particular, seem to cause the most disruption. Rivers of sweat and lack of sleep are one of the most troublesome elements of the menopause. This can have a huge knock on effect, as tiredness affects our ability to think, work, perform and do everyday tasks.
The Menopause Relief Programme helps you to reduce the intensity and frequency of your hot flushes, putting you back in control. There is NO medication involved, ONLY relaxation. This can be achieved through teaching several specific techniques for you to use easily and quickly whenever the need arises.
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