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Facebook Groups Are A Goldmine For Business Growth

Facebook Groups Are A Goldmine For Business Growth

There are many potential reasons why a woman business owner might join a Facebook community group. Some possible reasons include:


Community groups are a time-efficient way to connect with other women business owners and professionals who share similar interests, values and goals.

Here are a few ideas on how to utilise community groups for networking:

Join relevant groups:

Look for groups specific to your industry or niche because connecting with like-minded professionals helps you and your business grow.

Participate in discussions and freely share your expertise: 

When you join a group, jump right in and participate in discussions and offer insights that you think will give value to the discussion. By doing so, you'll build relationships and increase your credibility. Perhaps you'll make a few friends along the way.


If it doesn't go against the group's rules, reach out to other members via their social networking accounts to discuss opportunities for collaboration.


Each time you engage in a conversation in Facebook groups, you are subtly building brand awareness and establishing yourself as someone people can trust.

Additionally, some groups allow you to directly promote your products or services to other members.

It's important to note that to be effective when you're self-promoting you need to be an active member of the group who engages authentically. No one likes to be sold to and simply spamming the group with promotional messages any chance you get, could potentially harm your business.

... includes days and times for posting ...


A supportive community benefits business owners, especially those working alone or in a small team, because they provide a space where you can ask for advice and get feedback from others with similar experiences. 

Being part of a community can help business owners feel less isolated and more connected to others, which is important during times of uncertainty or when facing challenges. Facebook community groups can provide a sense of belonging and support that can be invaluable to business owners.


Many community groups offer learning opportunities for business owners. These groups host online and in-person events such as webinars, workshops, and conferences. Some groups may offer educational resources, such as articles, videos, and course materials to help business owners stay informed about industry trends and best practices. 

Some community groups provide business and marketing support to help business owners grow and improve their businesses. This support may include one-on-one coaching, group sessions, and access to experts and mentors. 


The main thing that stood out for me when I first joined women's networking groups was the sense of belonging and connection the women felt. I saw that these communities as a place when one can feel acceptance, which can be especially important for women who may not have a strong support system elsewhere in their lives. 

As a business owner, I know firsthand the struggles and challenges of running a business. It can be overwhelming at times, and it's easy to feel like you're in it alone. And this is why I created FindHer VIP Inner Circle, a community group specifically for women business owners in Australia who are passionate about achieving success. But what sets my community apart from the hundreds of other communities in Australia, is that the right business and marketing advice is freely given away to all my members, to help them build the business of their dreams. Why? Well, I'm glad you asked.

As stated, I've been involved in hundreds of Facebook networking groups for women business owners, and what I quickly discovered is that there's a real need for guidance and education. Too often, when women reach out for help, they're met with offers for coaching programs, online courses, or memberships rather than practical, actionable advice.

I wanted to change that. 

I wanted to create a community where women could come together to share their knowledge, experiences, and expertise and where they could get the help they need, for free from each other and from me, to succeed in their businesses.

That's why FindHer VIP Inner Circle is different.

We're a supportive, inclusive community of women dedicated to helping each other succeed.

So if you're a woman business owner in Australia looking for a supportive community of like-minded individuals, I invite you to join our FindHer VIP Inner Circle because together, we can help each other achieve our business goals and make a positive impact on the world.


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