If you're trying to conceive, you can do many things to be proactive about boosting your fertility. I want to share some practical and easy things to incorporate into your life.
1. Increase your intake of fertility-supporting food
Some of the foods proven to support fertility positively include:
● Avocados
● Sunflower seeds (for men in particular)
● Dark leafy greens
● Beets
● Sweet potatoes
● Berries
● Salmon
● Sardines
● Walnuts
● Greek yogurt
● Pomegranates
● Eggs
● Bee pollen
● Maca
● Asparagus
● Watermelon (another one for the guys)
● Liver
● Cod liver oil
● Lentils
● Honey
2. Incorporate relaxation techniques to calm your body and mind
Lowering your stress levels is one of the top things you can do to improve your chances of conceiving.
It doesn't matter what form of relaxation you decide on as long as it feels right for you and decreases your stress levels. There are many different modalities out there, and if you don't have something that you like already, you should try out others to see what works best for you.
Some ideas include massage, reflexology, breathwork, mindfulness and meditation practice.
You will notice I say 'reduce or cut out'. Reduce your intake of or cut out alcohol completely. Reduced alcohol consumption increases fertility, so it's one of the top things I think everyone can do.
If going without alcohol doesn't apply to you, and you find that a glass of wine at the end of the day is something you look forward to, then you don't have to cut it out altogether but think about how to reduce your consumption overall.
4. Implement a vitamin supplement programme
Include supplements that contain folic acid (B9) and vitamin D, vitamin E and zinc. If it's within your budget, it may be worthwhile seeking the help of a Naturopath or a Fertility Coach to work out a personalised programme that would support your body in the best way.
5. Reduce your toxin intake
The link between fertility and toxin exposure is a common one. As we're all exposed to vast amounts of toxins in our everyday environments, it's no wonder these toxins can contribute significantly to hormone imbalances in our bodies. This, in turn, can impact our ability to conceive and have a healthy pregnancy.
6. Increase your vital exercise
I don't mean high impact; get your sweat on training here. I mean activities that calm your mind and body, such as restorative yoga, meditation and gentle walking. All these things calm down your nervous system, remind your body that it is safe, and help you deal with stress and challenges better.
7. Get out in nature
Taking a gentle walk gives you the benefit of moving your body, Vitamin D from the sun and winding down in the fresh air.
The above information is a lot to take in.
How do you start? Where?
Firstly, consider the above tips, which one/s feels like it is the most important to you.
Take one step at a time.
Ok, so you know where you want to start. Break it down into smaller, more manageable steps rather than overhauling your whole life at once.
Keep it real.
Be realistic about how much change you can deal with at one time. Small, easy baby steps are better than giant steps that feel hard.
Be patient.
Change takes time. Working out the best approach for you will take a little time. Practice patience, and try again next time when things aren't perfect. Progress over perfection!
Make it fun.
Transitioning to something new can sometimes feel overwhelming or tedious. Get your partner involved. This shouldn't be about deprivation or missing out.
You will soon find what works for you and fall in love with your new habits.
I hope these tips have given you some good ideas for how you can proactively and positively impact your fertility.
If you are on this journey, know that you are not alone, and one day you will look back and be relieved that you travelled along this path.
A note to end on, anything you decide to include as part of your daily life should increase your wellness without increasing your stress levels. If any of these tips result in feeling stressed, you should stop and talk to your medical professional before continuing.
Julie Paraskevopoulos
Founder / Director of Ecolix
Originally published at https://ecolix.com.au/
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